The manager of this project is Helen Coulon 26 rue Bellevue 24000 Perigueux Author: Marielle Leridon Read more 1 2 3 next last »

Authors: Jeanine Poillot and Michele Colin Read more multidisciplinary work in 2nd AB In: archive grade level> second degree> The school Breach CEL For teachers Economy French magazine Geo History Teaching Techniques> presentation, child educational conference Techniques> interdisciplinary teaching techniques> literature December 1976 MULTIDISCIPLINARY WORK iN 2nd AB Economics, History, Geography, French Since the beginning of the year, a series of presentations were made: topics chosen by the students, in teams during preparation one or the other teachers on guidance from the most competent, last presentation to the class and two or three teachers. It should be noted that the administration has given us, at our request, a common class, but without any harmonization of timetables; she accepts, moreover, the removal of one of our normal school hours, as compensation for hours spent at the colleague.

Author: G. Besnerais More Congress printers In: Congress archive a grade> The second degree Breach CEL For teachers teaching journal Techniques> Printing Pedagogical Principles> Communication> school newspaper in February 1975 THE CONGRESS OF PRINTERS The following page as you can see, is not the same as those we had learned so far. Authors: Jacques Brunet, Janie AUREJAC Michel Audoire and Roger Favry More To understand the comic strip «Serve him right» in: archive grade level> second degree> College The Breach CEL For Teachers Review Languages> Modern Languages ??Teaching Techniques > technical plastic arts in February 1975 to understand the comic «SERVE HLM RIGHT» Author: Alex Nicole more mathematical tools in sixth class in: archive grade level> second degree> College the Breach CEL for teachers review maths Techniques educational> learning> customized learning February 1975 TOOLS iN mATHEMATICS SIXTH CLASS All those trying something Second degree feel the weight of the structures of education as obstacles, but also of their isolation which is probably responsible in many dropouts.

Also failing to find echoes and using the Second degree is, often it beneficial to seek the Prime degree. It is through regular meetings, through constant work with primary comrades I felt the need to have a variety of tools that can enable students to choose. But what could I offer my students, except a good will? This is to fill the gaps that this year I tried to build my 6th grade a range wide enough tools.

Author: Roger Castetbon More Commission history and geography, technical specifications In: archive grade level> second degree> High School The Breach CEL For review teachers History Geo> Geography Teaching Techniques> Learning> customized learning February 1975 COMMISSION HISTORY-GEOGRAPHY Factsheet the history and geography Committee continues the work of developing the working guide sheets (see Breach 2) an example of a data sheet for the first or Terminals. The manager of this project is Helen Coulon 26 rue Bellevue 24000 Perigueux Author: Marielle Leridon Read more 1 2 3 next> last »
In: FTJ – Publishing literature ICEM For students> Elementary For students> plug College Science and Techno> Life Sciences and Earth middle of Study Teaching Techniques> literature by subscription in June 2014 Available by Attachment subscription Size ftj_93_un_elevage_de_chevres .pdf 811.44 KB Add new comment

In: FTJ – Publishing literature ICEM For students> Elementary For students> College History plug-Geo> History Sociology Teaching Techniques> subscription retrieval in May 2014 Available by subscription ftj_92_les_sites_du_debarquement_de_1944.pdf Attachment Size 516.1 KB Add new comment
In: FTJ – Publishing literature ICEM For students> Elementary For students> plug College Science and Techno> Technology Research midst teaching techniques> subscription retrieval October 2014 Available by subscription Attachment Size 1.04 MB ftj_95_notre_jus_de_pommes.pdf a comment

4 Results The Educational Records Educator 7: More textbooks! More lessons! In: Training Records Educator CEL For teachers review in November 1964 Educational file Modern School No. 7 Author: Freinet More The Educational Records Educator 6: teachers Strips In: Training Records Educator CEL for teachers review teaching techniques> individualized work in October 1964 educational file Modern School No. 6 Supplement No.

4 of 15 October 1964 Author: Freinet more the educational Records Educator No. 5 : the organization of the class in: Training Records Educator CEL for teachers review teaching techniques> class organization in September 1964 educational file Modern School No. 5 Author: Freinet more the educational Records Educator 4: in writing: Training Records Educator CEL for teachers review French> Ecritur e-reading in February 1964 Authors: Jean Le Gal and Jeannette Debieve More

In: FTJ – Publishing literature ICEM For students> Elementary For students> College History plug-Geo> Geo History> Geography teaching techniques> subscription retrieval September 2014 Available by subscription Attachment Size 432.24 KB Add ftj_94_la_jordanie.pdf a comment
7 Results The Educational Records Educator 14: Patents and Masterpieces In: Training Records Educator CEL For teachers teaching journal Techniques> Evaluation> Patent Teaching Techniques> Evaluation> masterpiece Techniques teaching> evaluation in December 1965 educational files Modern School Authors: Celestin Freinet and Jean Petitcolas more the educational Records Educator 10: music education in: training Records Educator CEL for teachers review Arts> Music and October 1965 teaching packs Modern School No.

10 Supplement to number 20 of September 15, 1965 Authors: Celestin Freinet and Paul Delbasty more the educational records Educator No. 15-16: L teaching mathematics in: Training Records Educator CEL for teachers review maths December 1965 Records of the Modern School No. 15-16 Supplement No. 6 of 15 December 1965 Educator Teaching mathematics R.Poitrenaud E.Lemery Authors: Edmond Lemery and R. Poitrenaud More The Educational Records Educator No.

12-13: science education in the second degree: a grade> second degree teaching packs of Educator CEL for teachers journal science and Techno November 1965 educational file Modern school Authors: Janou Lemery, Mauritius Berteloot and R. Poitrenaud more the educational Records Educator 11: Birth and evolution of a school newspaper in the second degree: a grade> second degree teaching packs of Educator CEL for teachers review French> reading-writing teaching Principles> communication> teaching Techniques school newspaper> free text November 1965 Author: Janou Lemery do my english homework?
more The educational Records s Educator 9: The educational use of interest in complex: Training Records Educator CEL For teachers journal Research middle September 1965 Pedagogical School Folder Modern 9 Supplement No. 12 of 15 September 1965 Author: Freinet more the educational Records Educator 8: the school in printing and related graphic techniques in: teaching packs of CEL Educator for teachers review Arts> Arts visual teaching techniques> print in January 1965 educational School Folder Modern Supplement No.

8 to No. 10 of 15 January 1965 monthly Review of cooperative educational institute of the Modern School and FIMEM Author Freinet Read more
Results 181-188 from 188 Results Class News and chronic In Chronic class brief The New Educator PEMF For teachers review in May 1998 Authors: Annie Delarochelambert Catherine Mazury and Georges Blanc More News Classes and chronic In: brief of chronic class the New Educator PEMF for teachers review in April 1998 Authors: Georges Blanc, Marie Girard-Hencky Patrick Pierron and Roger Favry more News classes and chronic in chronic class brief the New Educator PEMF for teachers review in March 1998 Authors: Eric Joffre, Georges Blanc, Jean-Luc Bellue Martine Castier and Patrick Pierron more News class and chronic in chronic class brief the New Educator PEMF for teachers review in February 1998 Authors: C.